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Add “and, but, or or”.

/ On : 00.54
1. I washed my shirts, __________ they didn’t get clean.
2. Would you like to have fried rice _________ nasi pecel?
3. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, _________ took a shower.
4. I invited the Imam Utomo to dinner, _________ they couldn’t come.
5. The stewardess served lunch, __________ I didn’t eat.
6. Which would you prefer? Would you like to play tennis _______ golf on Saturday morning?
7. Cows are farm animals ________ zebras are wild animals.
8. Who called whom? Did Bob call you ________ did you call Bob?
9. Sarah is a good tennis player, _________ she never played golf.
10. A good office has modern equipment such as computers ________ copying machines, ______ the most important part of a good office is the people who works there.
11. Cars, buses, _________ trucks use roads, ________ trains run on the tracks.

2 komentar:

Smash-Lover mengatakan...

1. but
2. or
3. and
4. But
5. but
6. or
7. or

Smash-Lover mengatakan...

sorry the answer of no 7. and
8. or
9. but
10. and - but
11. and - but

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